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Archive for category: Health & Wellness

Carbs and Fats are not your enemy.

Our survival in this world is basically dependent on our health. Building our immune system is our primary need in this pandemic time. We must focus more on improving our mental health and physical fitness. How to lose weight at home? How to improve our Body Transformation? To achieve fitness it...


Quarantine vs Exercises

As Covid cases are increasing in our country, individuals are bound to stay at home in self-quarantine. Self Quarantine may restrict the individual’s habitual daily routine and may cause stress, anxiety, depression, and many other negative impacts on well-being like weight gain, blood pressure...


Best ways to lose weight at home during COVID 19

In the current situation, it’s very important to keep a check on mental health as they say a healthy mind resides in a healthy body. So let’s go through some ways to achieve it. So how active are you? Is your body physically fit? Fitness is something which we all long for and we all exercise t...

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